Recently, the District Council provided an online training for Vincentians. Watch the recording here.

The Rule and Manual are the two most important documents of the Society. Every member is expected to read both documents and become familiar with their contents. These resource documents contain the guiding principles of our Society worldwide.
The Rule & ManualOrder Materials
Vincentian [vin-sen-shen]:
Ordinary Men and Women who commit to follow Christ and bear witness to his love through service to people in need. Learn more about our deep history, here.
We are more than volunteers; this is not merely something that we do, but something that we are: Vincentians.
Our Vincentian vocation calls us to grow in holiness by participating personally and directly in helping our neighbors in need by person-to-person contact.
Below are resources for all Vincentians, new and seasoned, to learn more about The Society and Conference life.
Learn more! Vincentian VideosWeekly ContemplationVincentian Message BoardFrederic's e-GazettePrayers & CeremoniesReflectionsStandards of Excellence
Questions? Our staff is here to assist you! Please find contact information here.
Conferences are governed by the policies, Bylaws, Rule,
and traditions of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
SVdP Conferences in San Mateo County
Founded in Paris in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide community of more than 800,000 lay Catholics, known as Vincentians, who join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to neighbors in need.
The below is a list of St. Vincent de Paul of San Mateo County's local Conferences. If you are interested in becoming a Vincentian, please contact your local Parish or fill out our volunteer form.
Immaculate Heart of Mary
St. Mark
Our Lady of Angels
St. Catherine
Holy Angels
Daly City
Our Lady of Mercy
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
St. Andrew
East Palo Alto
St. Francis of Assisi
Foster City
St. Luke
Half Moon Bay
Our Lady of the Pillar
Menlo Park
St. Raymond
St. Anthony
St. Dunstan
Good Shepherd
St. Peter
St. Anthony Mission
Redwood City
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
RWC Area Conference
St. Matthias
St. Pius
San Bruno
St. Bruno
St. Robert
San Carlos
St. Charles
San Mateo
St. Bartholomew
St. Gregory
St. Matthew
St. Timothy
San Mateo Area Conference
South San Francisco
All Souls
Mater Dolorosa
North County Area Conference
St. Augustine
St. Veronica